En närbild av en grå fjällrävsvalp i fjällvärlden, som tittar intensivt.
© Shutterstock/Menno Schaefer/WWF

Felles Fjellrev – Together for the arctic fox

Felles Fjellrev is a cross-border project whose goal is to save one of our most endangered mammal species – the Arctic fox. The project has been running for five rounds of funding and work has now started up once again thanks to new funding from EU Interreg Aurora. The project runs until October 2026.

International cooperation

Felles Fjellrev is Norwegian for “everyone’s Arctic fox”, which is the starting point for the project. Arctic foxes move unhindered across national borders on the tundra and in the bare mountain regions above the tree line in Sweden, Norway and Finland and our common goal is for the Arctic fox population to grow stronger and for Arctic foxes to spread to the mountain areas where they once lived.

An international exchange of information and expertise is required in order to monitor the progress of the Arctic fox. The project is coordinated by the Norrbotten County Administrative Board and involves a large number of local partners. Together, we complement one another and form a network with a knowledge base that is invaluable for the work of helping the Arctic fox.

The project will involve the use of GPS transmitters, DNA sampling of droppings, wildlife cameras and other methods to document Arctic foxes’ movements. It also provides an opportunity to evaluate ongoing measures such as the releases of captive-bred Arctic foxes currently taking place in Norway on the borders with both Finland and Sweden. Read more about project activities here.

Två fjällrävar i vinterpäls, en liggande och en i profil, med tjock vit päls.
© naturepl.com/Wild Wonders of Europe/de la L/WWF © Wild Wonders of Europe/Ole Joergen Liodden/WWF